Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Bored yet?!?

If you're getting restless at home, here's a list of things for students to work on:

  1. Multiplication - always always always practice this! 
  2. Animal Report - January will bring our first Science Report - start thinking of a vertebrate you'd be interested in researching and writing a report on. 
  3. Telling Time - we're in the middle of our time math unit, with a test coming up soon.  Practice using digital and "old school" clocks, and with story problems such as: "It's 6:45.  What time will it be in 30 more minutes?"  
  4. Cursive - we're almost done with lower case letters!

Yesterday, when I was changing dirty diapers and chasing after whining, crying baby and toddler, I thought to myself, "Wow, I think work is easier than this! I miss my students!!"  

See you all soon!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Time flies...

...when you're having fun!  Can you believe only a week and a half left until our Holiday Vacation?!

We've been super busy in our classroom -- If I ever remember to bring batteries to put in our digi camera, I'll have our classroom photographer take some photos!! (poor girl has yet to get to do her job!) 

A few notes...

1.  This week's Word Study unit is a review of all the long vowel sounds that we've been practicing all year long.  Your child created his/her own list of words from their Words to Learn list, and maybe even a few words from my Extra list.  They were to bring the "home" copy home on Monday, hopefully you've seen it! 

2.  Our Holiday Party is next Thursday morning -- a note came home in the Green Communication Folder about food donations and helpers.  A more detailed note of what we'll be doing and who is invited will be coming home later this week.  Probably. Hopefully.  

3.  We have been working so hard - writing so well - on our first final draft of a personal narrative.  Tomorrow (*fingers crossed*) we will begin and finish our published copies, ready to have an Author's Celebration Friday morning.  If you're interested in receiving an invitation to our Author's Celebration, please leave a comment below!

4.  We've been decorating our classroom door for the Holiday Door Decorating contest.  Your kiddos have made the Cutest. Reindeer. Ever!!  Photos to be uploaded soon (again, hopefully!).  

5.  Last - a request.  The holidays are upon us, and we have a project to complete!  If you have any extra jars lying around or just about to be finished up - please send them in!  Jam jars or salsa jars would be perfect - (around 12 - 16 ounce size).  I promise not to fill them with anything you have to cook :)  


Friday, December 2, 2011

Eventful Friday

A big event tomorrow - the Annual Pancake Breakfast at Pine Island is this Saturday, December 3 (8-11 AM). All are welcome for $3 breakfast, baked good sale, book fair, make and take crafts, cookie decorating, holiday photos, silent auction, Holiday stories from your favorite teachers and much more! 

The teacher reading schedule:
8:15 Mrs. Czypera
8:30 Ms. Johnston
8:45 Mrs. Larson
9:00 Mrs. Vandenberg
9:15 Miss Holly
9:30 Mrs. Pickel
9:45 Mrs. McLeod
10:00 Mrs. Hawes
10:15 Mrs. Hands
10:30 Mrs. Alt
I'm bringing my family - hope to see some of you there!! 

December 15th - Holiday Party, note coming home in Monday's folders
December 16th - 1/2 day for students 
December 17th - January 2nd - Holiday Break
School resumes January 3rd!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Money Money Money!!

In case you missed the email, we have a social studies test tomorrow (Friday!)!

We have been working on counting money (mainly coins and small bills) in Math.  We should be ready for our test by next Tues or Wed.  The test has coin counting on it, along with being able to make an amount of money with the least amount of coins possible.  Please, please practice this stuff this weekend!!  Money is so tricky for so many kiddos, and the more they practice with the real deal - the easier it will get! 

Have you seen some multiplication coming home?  On top of our regular math units, we've been working on our multiplication facts.  We're up to our 6's packet, but some friends are still stuck on the 2's and 3's.  While they may need a review of what it actually means to multiply two numbers together (which I will do!) - please know that these are important facts that your students must know.  Just like addition and subtraction, the goal is to know the facts quickly and accurately.  3 x 5 is 15, 5 x 3 is 15, and it always will be!  We try to take our timed quizzes every Tuesday and Thursday - so ask your kiddo which one he/she is working on!

Keep an eye out for our Holiday Party note coming home next Monday!  We'll be needing volunteers for crafting and cooking!

(Do I like to use exclamation points or what?!? :) !!!!)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Knock knock ... anyone reading??

Just a check-in to see how many families are finding this a useful communication tool -- leave a comment below and your child will receive a red ticket!!

Word Study - Unit 10





Monday, November 21, 2011


Wow - can you believe it's already Thanksgiving?? 

Here's a quick list of updates and news: 

  • No Communication Folders or Homework this week
  • Wowza! Everyone did AWESOME on their Science tests!
  • Tons of graded tests and classwork coming home today
  • Looking ahead - Holiday Party will be Dec. 15th - anyone interested in planning this party for us? 
  • I'm going to start the bargain hunting and shopping this weekend for our MP3 players - last call for donations is December 9th! 
  • Paper book orders for the holidays will come home next week, but if you'd like to look online, it's open and ready. These will be due next Friday so that we can get the orders back before the holiday break.  Great place for holiday shopping!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

I forgot to post these pictures last week! Oops!! :)

Just a few from our trip to Mejier Gardens!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Word Study - Unit 9

Unit 9: Mixed Review – Long o and i sounds

Regular List 




