Monday, May 21, 2012

Upcoming Events

This week's spelling words are word's that we've missed over the last couple of weeks.  Next week we'll do a summer list, and that will be our last Word Study for 3rd Grade!!

Upcoming Events: 
5/25:        ½ Day for Students
5/28         No School - Memorial Day 
6/1:          Talent Show (morning)
6/1:           3rd Grade Field Day (afternoon)
6/4:           Skating Party 

Please, please, please let me know ASAP if you're able to join us on our skating trip!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Michigan Reports and Upcoming Events!

Wow ... only 18 wake-up days left!! Crazy, huh? 

We are starting our reports on Michigan during Writer's Workshop.  We are going to create a Travel Guide as a class, so each student has chosen a topic about Michigan that interested them.  If you'd like your child to have information from other sources outside of our borrowed library books, feel free to print of the information from the internet and send it in with them! 

We missed Monday Folders today, but they will come home tomorrow! 

Upcoming Events: 

5/15:        PTO Meeting @ Pine Island 
5/16:         Science Test on Energy
5/14-17:  Relay Recess Week
5/18-19:  Relay for Life
5/25:        ½ Day for Students
5/28         No School - Memorial Day 
6/1:          Talent Show (morning)
6/1:           3rd Grade Field Day (afternoon)
6/4:           Skating Party 
If you're interested in helping at the Field Day or coming to the Skating Party - let me know as soon as possible!!
My family and I will be walking at Relay For Life this Friday - 4:30-6:00pm. This takes place at Comstock Park's High School. Come on out and walk with us! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Today's Folders

Several important papers came home today - please look them over and return those that need your signature! 

1.)  Roller Skating Field Trip Permission Slip -- please let me know ASAP if you'd like to chaperone! 

2.)  Enrollment for 2012-2013 School Year -- we need to know if you're planning on your child continuing their education in CP 

3.) Field Day - See below...

4.) Medical Enrollment -- Would it benefit you for the school to offer doctor services? 

Third Grade Field Day
June 1, 2012
12:30 – 3:00

The third grade teachers, along with staff from the YMCA are planning field day for the third grade students. We need parent volunteers to make this happen. Would you please consider running one of the field day events? At least two parent volunteers are needed to run each activity.  These volunteers will stay at the station and work with each of the 6 classrooms, not just their own student’s room.  We will give you everything you need and will not leave you alone to run an event by yourself! Teachers will be staying with their students all day (traveling from one station to the next). If you are available to help, please fill out the information below and return it to school with your child.

Note: The Pine Island Variety Show is scheduled for this same day. The third grade students will perform in the morning. If your child plans to perform again during the fourth grade show or the fifth grade show with an older sibling, please let his/her teacher know so that we can send your child in from the field day events for their performance time.

Word Study Unit 27

Unit 27: 3rd Grade Word Study
Comparative Words

(-er, -est)




