What a crazy, busy couple of weeks it has been.
Here's a short list of some of the main upcoming events:
10/28- Stoney Creek Halloween Bash 11a-2p
10/31 - Halloween and Half Day - Dismissal @ 11:45am
10/31 - Halloween and Half Day - Dismissal @ 11:45am
11/11 - Book Orders Due
11/11 - Field Trip to Meijer Gardens
11/7 - Half Day - Parent Teacher Conferences 1p-8p
11/10- Parent Teacher Conferences 4-7:30p
11/23-11/25- Thanksgiving Holiday
Halloween Party
Monday is our Halloween Party -- due to the half day, the party will not be that elaborate, but we will still have some fun! Our party starts at 10:00am with a school-wide recess. If you are a parent who volunteered to attend - you may come in at this time and help set up while the students are at recess. When we come in at 10:20 - we only have 10 minutes to get into our costumes - yipes!! We will need some help here as well. Then, all guests will head to the gym while we line up and join the parade. The parade will flow through the hallway, picking up all the classrooms, and through the gym for our guest audience to admire.
Afterward - guests are welcome to join us as the students enjoy a special snack and a game or two.
* Please send your child to school in their normal clothing - with costumes in their backpacks! We will be having a fairly normal morning routine up until our recess!! *
* Please send your child to school in their normal clothing - with costumes in their backpacks! We will be having a fairly normal morning routine up until our recess!! *
This week we have officially begun our adventure in times tables! We had our first quiz on the "2's" this week. With our multiplication quizes, the students are given 3 minutes to complete the problems as accurately as they can. Each fact family must be completed with an A to move on to the next. Example, Henry must get an A on the 2's before getting to take the 3's quiz.
We started 3's today - though some will still need to take the 2's when it's quiz time.
Practice, practice, practice!!
You may have heard chatter about red tickets and coupons. Your child is earning red tickets in our classroom. These are given out for simple tasks - such as being responsible with their planners for the entire week, turning in homework on time, and being a model student throughout the day. Once every week or two - I will open the Coupon Store. Here they may spend their tickets on fun coupons (all worth different "red ticket" values). Some coupons are eat an extra afternoon snack, do half of the homework, write in pen all day, wear a hat, or even sitting at the teacher's desk for a day (super fun for them ... not so much for me! :P )
This weekend I will do my best to prepare a newsletter explaining the new grading and redoing criterea now that October is over - along with a Volunteer Sign Up for Nov/Dec - and I want to prepare our next Job Applications to come home this week. Wish me luck on getting all these tasks completed!!
Happy Weekend! Hopefully I will see some of you tomorrow at Stoney Creek's Halloween Festival!!