Friday, October 12, 2012

Eventful Friday

Happy Friday!  I haven't been updating the blog as often - because it's so much easier to post photos right onto our Facebook Page!  Be sure you click over there to see them (they are viewable even if you do not have a Facebook Account!)

10/15/12 - M Week

10/17/12 - Pumpkin Donations Due (see below!)

10/23/12 - Book Orders Due 
10/27/12 - Halloween Carnival @ Greenridge Elementary, 3-6pm 

10/31/12 - Halloween Party! 

11/5 - Half Day, P/T Conferences in the afternoon and evening

11/8 - P/T Conferences 


We are in need of some pumpkins for our learning centers the next two weeks.  If you are able to donate any sized pumpkin (mini, small, medium) - that would be incredibly helpful and make our days that much more fun!  Please send pumpkins in by next Wednesday, Oct. 17th ! 


Things we did this week: 

The letter F (big line down, jump up, little line at the top, little line in the middle) 
And E (big line down, jump up, little line at the top, little line in the middle, little line at the bottom)
Where  do you start your letters?  (At the top!) 

We are working on patterns right now - where 2 colors take  turns!

We mixed yellow and red, and talked about things that are hot and things that are cold in honor of Fire Safety Week, check out our facebook page for a photo! 

We are working so hard on knowing which letters are in our own first name - please help practice this at home!! If your child already knows their first name - work on their last name! Or middle name! Or friend's names!(repeated from last week I know - but still so important!)