Sunday, November 4, 2012

Eventful Friday (only 2 days late!! oops!)

11/5 - Half Day - Dismissal at 12:15pm, P/T Conferences in the afternoon and evening
11/4 - Oo Week

11/8 - P/T Conferences 

11/15 - Chuck E. Cheese Night

11/21, 11/22, 11/23 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

11/28 - Powerful Preschool Parenting Night

Things we did this week: 

The Letter I - (big line down, little line over at the top, little line over at the bottom - I is a center starter!) 

Math This week we did a lot of work on recognizing and naming letters 1-5

We talked a lot about creepy crawly spiders!  How many legs does a spider have?!?

Lunch for Tardy Students
I need to turn our classroom lunch counts in by 9:10am.  If you know your student is going to be late, please get their lunch choice to me early in the morning by phone or email.  Otherwise, please plan on bringing a lunch to school for your child.  Thank you!

Cookies for Conferences
We need cookie donations for our parent/teacher conference nights.  We ask that for this fall conference, students with the last names between A-L please send in a package of cookies by November 5th. 

As always - check out our Facebook Page for fun photos!!!