Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Minutes!

Upcoming Events: 
12/8 – Nn week, newspaper and numbers!
12/18/14 – Holiday Party, 9:00-10:40
12/19/14 – PJ and Movie Day
12/22-1/4/14 – Holiday Vacation, No School

Things we did last week: 

Letter C – a easy center starter, just draw a “big curve” !   

We finished learning about the number 4.  We are also starting to play a lot of games with dice so we can practice counting and subitizing (automatically recognizing) the number of dots.   

Last week we worked with magnets and did lots of predicting and experimenting with what is or isn’t magnetic!  

A – Allie Alligator – ask what sound she makes! 

Thursday, December 19th – Holiday Party!

      9:00-9:15 – Holiday Singing  
9:15 – 9:40 - Special Holiday Breakfast for Students
      9:40 – 10:40 – Holiday Centers and Games

Please send in your food donations by next week if you're able to, so I know what I need to get for our party. 

Our Holiday Singing is not a big concert; it's just our class singing a few songs that we've been practicing.  If you'd like to come to the party for just that part, or even have a grandparent that'd like to attend - that's great!  However, depending on how many try to stay for the "party" part - we may have to ask extra guests to leave if we don't have enough room in here!

Pajama Day
On Friday, December th – we will be spending the last day before vacation watching Polar Express and doing some fun Polar Express Theme activities.  To make this day more relaxed and cozy, your child may wear their pajamas to school!! Please make sure your child is wearing warm pajamas since they will still go outside.  Nightgowns need to have pants underneath as well.  They may bring their slippers and one small stuffed animal with them as well! J

Thursday, December 4, 2014


Today, we started using a website called Raz-Kids during our computer lab time. 

With this website, your child can listen to books at home.  As they go, they get green check marks for completed books.  I do not expect them to do the read-to-yourself books, only the listen to reading.  When they get all green check marks for listening to all the stories - I will move them up to the next level.  

And then type in:   mrsvandenberg

Please try to make sure your child is only clicking on their own name!! 

Have fun! :) 

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday Minutes - Dec 1st

12/6/14 – Pancake Breakfast at Pine Island Elementary
12/18/14 – Holiday Party, details in this week’s folder
12/22-1/4/14 – Holiday Vacation, No School 

We are going to read and learn about several different holidays this December, including Hanukah, Kwanza, and Christmas.  Does your family do something special or different during the holiday season?  If you have something you’d like to teach us or share with the class about your culture, we’d love to learn about your family!
Snow Gear
Please remember that students go outside every morning before school starts.  They need to come to school in snow pants and snow boots, even if they go inside to eat breakfast before going out to play! They also need tennis shoes for the days we have gym class.  Have your kiddo pack their regular shoes in their backpack every day, so that they can change out of their wet snow boots when they come into the building.  Keep working on practicing to zip and tie all by themselves!

Monday, November 17, 2014

Monday Minutes!

Upcoming Events: 

11/17/14 - Letter G Week – Have you noticed yet how much Mrs. VandenBerg loves to use glitter on projects?! Wait until you see our Gg decorations! 

11/26, 11/27, 11/28 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

11/25 - Book Orders Due

12/6/14 – Pancake Breakfast at Pine Island Elementary,

Things we did last week: 

So far, we have spent a week learning these letters:  B, M, R, S, O, T - this upcoming week is G week. 

The Letter I – Big line down, jump up, little line at the top, little line at the bottom.   
We have learned these letters in handwriting so far:  L, F, E, H, I, and T.

We did lots of work with the number 3 – anytime you notice something in a group of three, be sure to talk about it with your kiddo!

Last week we had tons of fun learning all about turkeys!  Ask your child if they’re a hen or a tom!

Story Time
While reading stories, we are working on concepts of print.  Ask your child which part of the book is the front cover, the back cover, and the title page. 

Friendship Snack 

Next week to celebrate Thanksgiving, we will be talking a lot about friendship.  On Tuesday, we're going to make "Friendship Snack" bags.  I'm asking each kiddo to bring in something to contribute to our mix.  Ideas to donate (please remember to check the label for peanut free items!) : 
  • Assorted dried fruits: raisins, banana chips, dried apricot bits, dried cherries
  • Assorted mini-candies: gummy bears, chocolate chips, marshmallows
  • Assorted crackers and cereals: pretzels, Goldfish, Cheerios, Rice Chex etc.

Holiday Book Orders

Reading Club Order Due Date: December 1  
Shop Online:
One-Time Class Activation Code: J9R4V
 Books make wonderful gifts! Please let me know if your order includes a gift or surprise, and I will contact you when it arrives.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Minutes!

Upcoming Events: 

11/10/14 - Letter T Week – turkey time! 

11/11/14 –Fundraisers are due! If you have any orders, turn them in tomorrow.

11/10 and 11/13  - Parent/Teacher Conferences     

11/26, 11/27, 11/28 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

12/6/14 – Pancake Breakfast at Pine Island Elementary,

Things we did last week: 

Letter T – “big line down, jump up, little line at the top” – T is a Center Starter.
We are all done with the number two!  We worked a lot with making groups of numbers 0-5. 
Letter O – Olive Octopus – ask what sound she makes!!

Winter Weather and Clothing

It’s officially cold outside! Please with this cold weather, it is so important that your child is dressed to go outside.  We go outside every day – even if it is snowing!  We will stay inside if it is raining or the wind chill is below 0*F.   Dress your child in layers to be prepared to be cold outside, and sweaty in gym class.  The children need gym shoes (sneakers, tennis shoes) on the days we have gym class.  Please keep our classroom calendar close by so you know when those days are. 

Also, I try to help them keep their things organized as much as I can – but there are 22 little people in here, which mean 22 hats, 22 snow pants, and 44 gloves or mittens to watch out for.  And they all look the same!  Please try to label all your children’s winter gear so we can solve the mystery of “Whose glove is this?” (unfortunately, the owner doesn’t always remember that it’s their own!)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday Minutes

Upcoming Events: 
11/3/14 - Letter O Week – Ovals and Octopi!  

11/6, 10th, and 13th  - Parent/Teacher Conferences             

11/26, 11/27, 11/28 – NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break

Things we did last week: 

The Letter H  - (big line down, jump up and over, big line down, little line in  the middle)

Two – 2 -  (ask your kiddo to sing the song!!)  - This week I will be checking in with each child on how they are doing with colors, shapes, and counting to 20 for our conference Progress Report! 

We took the guts out of our pumpkins, sorted and cleaned the seeds, and tasted them!  We also talked about spiders and their 8 legs.  We are going to make some more science discovery bottles this week!

Letter Ss - Sammy Snake!

Weater/Winter Gear
It is getting COLD outside!  We go to recess 3 times a day.  Please be sure your child is appropriately dressed.  Also, label all winter gear with your child’s name – I cannot keep track of 22 children’s hats/gloves and you’d be surprised how many children look at a hat and say it’s not theirs when it really is!  As per the school handbook, if your child is too sick to go outside, they are too sick to be at school! 



As always - check out our Facebook Page for fun photos from the Halloween Party!!! 

Thank you soooo much for all the donuts, cider, and treats!  And a mega thank you to the grownups who came and helped us during our party!!