Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday Minutes!

Upcoming Events: 

11/10/14 - Letter T Week – turkey time! 

11/11/14 –Fundraisers are due! If you have any orders, turn them in tomorrow.

11/10 and 11/13  - Parent/Teacher Conferences     

11/26, 11/27, 11/28 - No School, Thanksgiving Break

12/6/14 – Pancake Breakfast at Pine Island Elementary,

Things we did last week: 

Letter T – “big line down, jump up, little line at the top” – T is a Center Starter.
We are all done with the number two!  We worked a lot with making groups of numbers 0-5. 
Letter O – Olive Octopus – ask what sound she makes!!

Winter Weather and Clothing

It’s officially cold outside! Please with this cold weather, it is so important that your child is dressed to go outside.  We go outside every day – even if it is snowing!  We will stay inside if it is raining or the wind chill is below 0*F.   Dress your child in layers to be prepared to be cold outside, and sweaty in gym class.  The children need gym shoes (sneakers, tennis shoes) on the days we have gym class.  Please keep our classroom calendar close by so you know when those days are. 

Also, I try to help them keep their things organized as much as I can – but there are 22 little people in here, which mean 22 hats, 22 snow pants, and 44 gloves or mittens to watch out for.  And they all look the same!  Please try to label all your children’s winter gear so we can solve the mystery of “Whose glove is this?” (unfortunately, the owner doesn’t always remember that it’s their own!)