Monday, February 10, 2014


Upcoming Events

/14 – Valentine’s Day Party
2/25 – No School

2/14 – Fiesta de San Valentin
2/25 – No Escuela

What we will learn next:

v  Letter F – Francy Fish
v  Handwriting Letter – P
v  Science:  Sink/Float
v  Math:  Sequencing Numbers 5-10

Remember, our Valentine’s Day Party is this Friday!  If you haven’t sent in your $1 for pizza, please do that before the party.
 12:15-1:15 = Crafts and Games/Actividades
2:00-2:35 – Movie/Pizza Party ($1 cost)

If your child chooses to give Valentine’s Cards (you do not have to), please bring one for every student.  We have 18 students.
Si su hijo decide dar tarjetas de San Valentín (que no tiene que hacerlo), por favor traiga una para cada estudiante. Tenemos 18 estudiantes.

A Note from the Office:
Please call no later than 2:30pm if you are planning on picking your child up from school or if there is a change in their normal transportation schedule.  Thank you.

Por favor llame antes de las 2:30 pm si usted está pensando en recoger a su hijo a la escuela o si hay un cambio en su horario normal de transporte. Gracias.