Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday Minutes

Notes from our Blog … (   9/22/14

** Check out our Facebook Page for some fun pictures from last week!  ** 
Sept 26 – Snack and TShirt $$ due!
Sept 29 – Book Orders Due
Sept 29 - Oct 3- Homecoming week, check out our Facebook Page for a list of the special fun days!  
Oct. 1ST - Count Day, we need all kiddos at school this day! 
Oct 3ND - Homecoming Parade, Downtown Comstock Park 

This week, we're going to start our exploration of apples.  I'm asking each child to bring in an apple by next Monday.  We're going to do some apple taste testing, graphing, and painting! If you're able to send in 2 apples to help those who cannot bring on in, that would be very helpful!
Wednesday, Oct. 1st ,  is Count Day.  Please, Please, Please have your child be at school this day!! It is so important for our school's funding that we attend school on this day. 

Snack money is due this Friday, Sept. 26th!! Several parents have asked if they can purchase $25 worth of snack for our class instead of sending in the money. This is okay – as long as you purchase them from the approved list and make sure to send in the full amount.