Friday, September 28, 2012

Eventful Friday

 Upcoming Events: 

Monday, October 1st - 1/2 day of school, dismissal at 12:15pm, NO LUNCH SERVED 

Homecoming Spirit Week is October 1-5.
The elementary school themes are:

Monday: Crazy Hair Day!
Tuesday: Blast from the Past!
Wednesday: Red, White and Blue!
Thursday: Comfy Clothes (no nightgowns, slippers or blankets)
Friday: GREEN AND GOLD!  Homecoming Parade (sometime in the evening?) 

Here are some photos from our applesauce making adventures!!  It was so fun, easy, and delicious!  Thank you to everyone who sent in apples so we had enough to make this special treat.  

 And these two photos were just too adorable not to share!

Sometimes we really do fall asleep... and stay asleep through playtime!
Or fall asleep during playtime!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Check out our Facebook page for a few pictures that we posted this week!!

Be sure to "like" our class page!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Upcoming Events

Next Monday, Oct. 1st,  is a 1/2 day - we will dismiss at 12:15 and there will not be lunch served.  We will have our daily snack in the morning on this day, but please know your kiddos will be hungry when they get home since this is much later than our normal lunch. 

Next Wednesday, Oct. 3rd,  is Count Day.  Please, Please, Please have your child be at school this day!! It is so important for our school's funding that we attend school on this day. 

Snack money or Snack Send in is due this Friday, Sept. 28th!!  Several parents have asked if they can purchase $25 worth of snack for our class instead of sending in the money.This is okay – as long as you purchase them from the approved list and make sure to send in the full amount.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Room 1 Update 9/14/12


We're starting out slow with learning our names.  This week we focused on the first initial.  When you're out looking at signs or reading labels at home, try to point out the first letter of your child's name to them.  


Next week we're going to start our exploration of apples.  I'm asking each child to bring in an apple by next Thursday.  We're going to do some apple taste testing, graphing, and painting! If you're able to send in 2 apples to help those who cannot bring on in, that would be very helpful! 


Only 3 friends have sent in a photo to put up in our classroom.  If you'd like to send in a photo of your child with their family, or doing something fun - please do and I'll put it in a photo frame to help our classroom feel more comfortable! 


Snack money is due by Sept. 28th.  Please remember we eat snack as a whole class, so please do not send your child with their own afternoon snack.  We all eat the same thing together. 

Gym Shoes

Please use the calendar that was sent home last week to keep track of when we have gym class.  Proper gym shoes (tennis shoes or sneakers) need to be worn on these days.  We can't safely run around in flip flops or dressy sandals!!

We used "Rainbow Writing" to practice our first letter of our names!

At Rest time we either relax on our own...

Or read a book quietly with a friend!

Ms. Tracy came in and read us a football story for NFL Friday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Help! Plastic Bottles

We are going to begin creating Science Discovery bottles. 

In order to do this - we are going to need lots of clear plastic bottles with the caps on them. 

Regular water bottles are not thick enough - we need the heavier bottles - like clear gaterade or Vitamin water.  They have to be clear so we can see into the bottle! 

If you could save any of these and send them in - that would be so helpful! 

Thank you :) 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Comstock Park PTO

Our Comstock Park Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO) is kicking off it's year tomorrow night at Pine Island Elementary.   This is for all parents and families of our Comstock Park students (that means you're invited!!)

Join us for refreshments and a no pressure chance to learn what our PTO is all about. Information displayed about spirit wear, book fairs, reading incentive, pancake breakfast, spirit week, NFL day, library volunteers, luau and more!

First meeting of the year at 7:15, you are welcome to stay! Free childcare available during meeting for potty trained children.

I will be attending the Open House and the Meeting - I hope a few of you are able to make it!  

Saturday, September 8, 2012

We Made It!

We made it through our first 2 days with no major issues!  Woohoo! 

Monday's Communication Folder will have a lot of information in it - so be sure to look for that in your child's backpack! 

Here are some pictures of our first two project adventures: 

Project 1 - We read the book We Are All Alike, We Are All Different - then we each got a paper hand and were able to decorate it with as many colors as we wanted.  We talked about how we all started with the same hand, but made them to be our own unique design! 

Project 2 - We are going to start working on recognizing our own names.  Our first name project is to tear tissue paper and glue it over the lines in our names.  This is a great fine motor skill activity, it can be hard to tear the paper and manage gluing and putting it onto the bigger paper!