Monday, September 29, 2014

Help! Plastic Bottles

We are going to begin creating Science Discovery bottles. In order to do this - we are going to need lots of clear plastic bottles with the caps on them. Regular water bottles are not thick enough - we need the heavier bottles - like clear Gatorade or Vitamin water.  They have to be clear so we can see into the bottle! If you could save any of these and send them in - that would be so helpful! 

Monday Minutes

Upcoming Events

ASAP – Snack and TShirt $$ due! 
Sept 29 – Book Orders Due, next order due Oct. 15
Sept 29 - Oct 3- Homecoming week, check out our Facebook Page for a list of the special fun days!  
Oct. 1ST - Count Day, we need all kiddos at school this day! 
Oct 3rd – 6:00pm, Homecoming Parade, Downtown Comstock Park 

We are going to continue our focus on apples – this week we will make apple sauce and taste test the different color apples to see which we like the most!
Wednesday, Oct. 1st ,  is Count Day.  Please, Please, Please have your child be at school this day!! It is so important for our school's funding that we attend school on this day.  

*El dia 10/1/14 es muy importante que los estudiantes estan en la escuela este dia.  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday Minutes

Notes from our Blog … (   9/22/14

** Check out our Facebook Page for some fun pictures from last week!  ** 
Sept 26 – Snack and TShirt $$ due!
Sept 29 – Book Orders Due
Sept 29 - Oct 3- Homecoming week, check out our Facebook Page for a list of the special fun days!  
Oct. 1ST - Count Day, we need all kiddos at school this day! 
Oct 3ND - Homecoming Parade, Downtown Comstock Park 

This week, we're going to start our exploration of apples.  I'm asking each child to bring in an apple by next Monday.  We're going to do some apple taste testing, graphing, and painting! If you're able to send in 2 apples to help those who cannot bring on in, that would be very helpful!
Wednesday, Oct. 1st ,  is Count Day.  Please, Please, Please have your child be at school this day!! It is so important for our school's funding that we attend school on this day. 

Snack money is due this Friday, Sept. 26th!! Several parents have asked if they can purchase $25 worth of snack for our class instead of sending in the money. This is okay – as long as you purchase them from the approved list and make sure to send in the full amount.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Minutes

Initials and Names

We are still working on the first initial, and slowly moving into whole names!  Right now I am writing their names in all uppercase letters because that is how we will learn each letter in Handwriting Without Tears program.  However, it is a goal to have each child be able to recognize their name in uppercase and the common way of first initial uppercase and the rest lowercase.

Book Orders

In today’s folders - the first book order is coming home.  This order is the September Early Childhood catalog - but if you order online, you're able to use any of the Scholastic Catalogs you want!  Here's the link:
Classroom Activation Code: J9R4V
Orders are due by September 39th! 


Snack money and T-Shirt money is due by Sept. 26th.  Please remember we eat snack as a whole class, so please do not send your child with their own afternoon snack.  We all eat the same thing together. 


Some kiddos are insisting on bringing their Rest Time towel home at the end of each day.  It’d be great if they’re able to keep one here at school – those backpacks can’t hold too many things and towels take up a lot of room.  Please let me know if you’d like your child’s towel to come home every night.  If I don’t hear from you – we will keep them at school!

Entertainment Books

If you’d like to buy the Entertainment book sent home last Friday, it’s $30.  Please send cash or check (made to Stoney Creek) into school.  Otherwise, please send the book back to school!

Gold Tags

The first Gold Tag slips are coming home today.  Realistically, a good “base” number of tags is 5 – that’s averaging 1 good gold tag a day.  Any more than 5 is awesome.  Any less than 5 means you’re child probably had to give quite a few back to me for misbehavior. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Don't forget to "LIKE" us on Facebook to see more frequent posts of all our fun at school!!

Monday, September 8, 2014



We're starting out slow with learning our names.  This week we focused on the first initial.  When you're out looking at signs or reading labels at home, try to point out the first letter of your child's name to them.  


Only 1 friend has sent in a photo to put up in our classroom.  If you'd like to send in a photo of your child with their family, or doing something fun - please do and I'll put it in a photo frame to help our classroom feel more comfortable! 


Snack money and T-Shirt money is due by Sept. 26th.  Please remember we eat snack as a whole class, so please do not send your child with their own afternoon snack.  We all eat the same thing together. 

Gym Shoes

Please use the calendar that was sent home last week to keep track of when we have gym class.  Proper gym shoes (tennis shoes or sneakers) need to be worn on these days.  We can't safely run around in flip flops or dressy sandals!!

Extra Clothes!

There’s a good chance sometime this school year each child will either have a bathroom accident or spill some water, or jump in a mud puddle – lots of ways to get our clothes wet and dirty!  If you’re able, please send in a set that we can keep in your child’s locker.

Happy Monday!! :)