Monday, October 28, 2013


Upcoming Events: 

10/28/13 - Letter S Week – Stickers, Sunshine, and Spooky things! 

10/31/13 – Halloween Party!  9:00-10:30

11/4 - Half Day, Dismissal at 12:00pm,  Parent/Teacher Conferences in the afternoon and evening

11/7 - Parent/Teacher Conferences

Things we did last week: 

Letter E – “big line down, jump up, little line at the top, little line in the middle, little line at the bottom”     

One – 1 -  (ask your kiddo to sing the song!!)  - We also began doing some measuring!

We read lots of books about pumpkins, and made some observations of our own pumpkins.  Thank you so much to the families that brought in pumpkins!  We will create our Jack-O-Lantern on Monday!  

Letter R – Robby Rabbit – ask what sound he makes!!

Halloween Party
Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered to help at the Halloween Party!  I will send home reminders next week to those who are bringing in supplies!

New RK Classroom
8 of our friends have moved into the new classroom – it seems so quiet without them here (sometimes)!  We now have 18 kiddos in our classroom!  


The office has asked us to let you know we are looking for cookie donations for Parent/Teacher Conferences.  Those with last names beginning A-L are asked to donate for the conferences in November.  Those with names ending in M-Z will be asked to donate in March.

Pics from the Past :)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Gold Tags

Gold Tags

Well, it’s the time of the school year where the bright and shiny of school wears off and it’s time to get real.  And to get rewarded! J

Your child will be earning these gold tags throughout our day.  I will pass these out to students who are making good choices, being good listeners, following directions, helping friends, etc.  I may even hand them out just for showing up at school!

On the flip side, I will be taking away gold tags for misbehavior – talking while someone else is talking, playing instead of cleaning, not lining up when recess is over, etc.  (Extreme misbehavior such as violence will still result in a trip to Mr. Rykse’s office)

At the end of the week – we will each count our gold tags (math lesson!).  If your child had any gold tags by Friday afternoon – they will get to participate in Friday Fun Minutes!  If your child has the MOST gold tags – they’ll get to pick their Friday Fun station first.  Then the child with the next highest will pick, and so on.  If your child doesn’t have any gold tags by Friday – they’ll have to sit out Friday Fun minutes for that week. 

A small note will come home in Monday Folders with your kiddos results from the previous week – perhaps you’ll want to find a way to reward the good weeks and maybe even a consequence for a bad week?  It helps for you and I to be on the same team!

It’s a lot to explain – but it’s going to be fun and help reinforce that positive behavior!

Let me know if you have any questions!


Upcoming Events: 
10/7/13 - Letter B Week - bears, bikes, and butterflies - oh my! 

10/8/13 – Picture Retakes

10/21/13 - Book Orders Due 

10/26/13 - Halloween Carnival @ Stoney Creek Elementary, 2-5pm 

10/31/13 – Halloween Party!  Details coming soon…

Things we did last week: 

We have done a lot of tracing and coloring – this was to prepare us for starting our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum this week!  

Zero - 0 - (ask your kiddo to sing the song!!) 

We talked A LOT about apples.  Apple colors, sizes, pies, and of course, we made applesauce!

We are working so hard on knowing which letters are in our own first name - please help practice this at home!! If your child already knows their first name - work on their last name! Or middle name! Or friend's names!

Book Orders
Remember, you can order from the Book Orders online – – our class activation code is J9R4V.  There are books for only $1 – books are a perfect reward for your child’s hard work this year!

(did you know you can "subscribe" to this blog??  enter your email address in the box to the right, and you will get an email every time I update!!)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Shapes, Applesauce, and Tynes

Last week, we went on a shape hunt around our school.  We worked in partners to graph the shapes that we found!

As the teacher, I was a little worried of taking 13 pairs of partners on a hallway adventure - but these kids rocked it!  I guess that means they really enjoyed it! :)

We made Applesauce!

Eating our Applesauce!!

King of the Jungle, Tynes, and his show-and-tell