– Ladies Night Luau
1/23 – Field Trip to Grand Rapids
Children’s Museum
– PTO Schwan’s Orders Due
- PTO Schwan’s Pick Up (Fruitbasket, Alpine)
– Report Cards Sent Home
2/18 – No School
What we did this week:
Monday: We were introduced to the letter Pp – Peewee
Penguin! Ask us what sound he makes!
Tuesday: Today we learned about Penguins, and how they
use their body fat to keep them safe from cold weather and water.
Wednesday: We played an ice melting game in science.
Thursday: On Thursday we
really practiced our handwriting with the letter “S” – it’s so tricky! Practice with us at home.
Friday: Today we had a great time in Art class, picked
out a new library book for our book baskets, and had popcorn for a fun Friday
What we will learn next:
v Letter I – Inny Inchworm
v Handwriting Letter –
v Science: Bears
Field Trip!
Our trip to the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum is WEDNESDAY! We are in desperate need of 2-4 more
chaperones to come with us. If you are
available, and already on our approved volunteer list – please contact me!
Thank you!