Monday, October 7, 2013


Upcoming Events: 
10/7/13 - Letter B Week - bears, bikes, and butterflies - oh my! 

10/8/13 – Picture Retakes

10/21/13 - Book Orders Due 

10/26/13 - Halloween Carnival @ Stoney Creek Elementary, 2-5pm 

10/31/13 – Halloween Party!  Details coming soon…

Things we did last week: 

We have done a lot of tracing and coloring – this was to prepare us for starting our Handwriting Without Tears curriculum this week!  

Zero - 0 - (ask your kiddo to sing the song!!) 

We talked A LOT about apples.  Apple colors, sizes, pies, and of course, we made applesauce!

We are working so hard on knowing which letters are in our own first name - please help practice this at home!! If your child already knows their first name - work on their last name! Or middle name! Or friend's names!

Book Orders
Remember, you can order from the Book Orders online – – our class activation code is J9R4V.  There are books for only $1 – books are a perfect reward for your child’s hard work this year!

(did you know you can "subscribe" to this blog??  enter your email address in the box to the right, and you will get an email every time I update!!)