Monday, October 13, 2014

Eventful Monday

Upcoming Events: 
10/13/14 - Letter M Week – Marbles, Music, Monsters! 
10/14/14 – PTO Meeting @ Pine Island
10/15/14 – Picture Retakes
10/15/14 - Book Orders Due 
10/25/14 - Halloween Carnival – 2-5pm @ Stoney Creek
10/31/14 – Halloween Party! 9-10:30am

Things we did last week: 

Letter L – “big line down, little line at the bottom”   

Zero - 0 - (ask your kiddo to sing the song!!)  - We are beginning to study patterns.  If your child has mastered the ABAB patterns, start practicing some more difficult ones like AABAAB or ABCABCABC.

We went on a Fall Scavenger Hunt and looked for acorns, leaves, and birds!  We also made our Orange Science bottle.  Next week we will make some different sound bottles! 

Letter B – Bubba Bear – ask what sound he makes!!
Book Orders
Remember, you can order from the Book Orders online – – our class activation code is J9R4V.  There are books for only $1 – books are a perfect reward for your child’s hard work this year!

PTO Meetings
Our Parent/Teacher Organization is looking for more parents to volunteer at events like our Halloween Carnival and Pancake Breakfast.  There is a meeting this Tuesday at Pine Island Elementary at 7:00pm.  Child care is provided and I will be there – come sit by me!