Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday Minutes

Upcoming Events: 
11/3/14 - Letter O Week – Ovals and Octopi!  

11/6, 10th, and 13th  - Parent/Teacher Conferences             

11/26, 11/27, 11/28 – NO SCHOOL, Thanksgiving Break

Things we did last week: 

The Letter H  - (big line down, jump up and over, big line down, little line in  the middle)

Two – 2 -  (ask your kiddo to sing the song!!)  - This week I will be checking in with each child on how they are doing with colors, shapes, and counting to 20 for our conference Progress Report! 

We took the guts out of our pumpkins, sorted and cleaned the seeds, and tasted them!  We also talked about spiders and their 8 legs.  We are going to make some more science discovery bottles this week!

Letter Ss - Sammy Snake!

Weater/Winter Gear
It is getting COLD outside!  We go to recess 3 times a day.  Please be sure your child is appropriately dressed.  Also, label all winter gear with your child’s name – I cannot keep track of 22 children’s hats/gloves and you’d be surprised how many children look at a hat and say it’s not theirs when it really is!  As per the school handbook, if your child is too sick to go outside, they are too sick to be at school! 



As always - check out our Facebook Page for fun photos from the Halloween Party!!! 

Thank you soooo much for all the donuts, cider, and treats!  And a mega thank you to the grownups who came and helped us during our party!!