Now that we are all getting settled into the school year - your child is going to begin bringing home some graded work. This may be work that was sent home, or work that was completed in class. In an effort to ease the transition into third grade - from now through October, I will allow work to be fixed and turned back in for a better grade.
Henry rushed through his math paper, and got a 15 out of 30, which is a 50%, which is a failing grade. He can take it home and fix the problems he got wrong.
Once November arrives -- grades will be final. I will take into consideration, on an individual basis, if a child was absent for the teaching of a lesson, or seemed to struggle with grasping the actual content of the assignment. However, I simply cannot continue to let children redo their work just so Henry gets an A instead of a B on his math homework for the week. That's a lot of extra grading!
Your child may have brought home a packet of unfinished work today. This all needs to be finished and returned to school for a grade as soon as possible. Your child is responsible for taking care of this work and returning it to me - he/she had ample classroom time to complete the work, but for one reason or another, just didn't get it done.
And while we're talking about grades - next week we will be having our first Math and Science test!
The math test will be on Monday - with a packet of practice work coming home on Friday.
The science test will be on Friday - with a study guide coming home on Wednesday.