Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Social Contract

Today we started working on our classroom Social Contract -- which I like to call our Team Promise.

Today we worked in partners to answer these four questions: 

How do you want to be treated by the teacher?
How do you want to be treated by your classmates?
How do you think the teacher wants to be treated?
How do you want to be treated during a conflict/problem? 

Haelyn and Emma get their ideas down on paper!

Then we came together as a class to list and discuss our ideas.  Tomorrow we will look over the list again and make sure we don't feel the need to add or change anything.  Then I will ask each student and teacher that we work with to sign their name on the paper.

From here on out, our discipline procedure revolves around four questions: 

1.  What are you doing?
2.  What are you supposed to be doing?
3.  Are you doing that?
4.  What are you going to do about it? 

and if these questions need to be repeated, I'll add:

5.  What's going to happen if I ask you these questions again? 

Consequences for these questions are:

Minor Mistakes:
1. Warning/Talk with Teacher
2. Parent/Guardian Contract 
3. Office Referral

Major Mistakes: 
1. Office Referral
2. Sent to the Office

This is a building wide discipline policy!

Scott and Darrell worked together to answer the first questions.  

If you have any questions, please email or comment and I'd be happy to answer them. 

Check back tomorrow for our finalized Team Promise!

Liam and Dominic partnered up to discuss their ideas.